Aliens on a mission?

It was one of the last nights of The Big Freeze, 16 January, 2018.

Doing a new-normal walk-about to check for frozen pipes, WHAT WAS THAT?

It couldn’t be!

No one would believe it.

I ran inside to get the camera to give credence to what my eyes witnessed.

Not being gone more than a few seconds, OH NO!

They had already gone.

The picture above is all that remains to tell the tale.

Little men – about half a dozen in shiny, foil like uniforms – had roped down from the rain gutter onto the frozen surface of the pail. In concert, they were raising that American flag, attaching it to an icicle that had built up, and froze to become a unique flag pole.

Who were they? Where did they come from? Why would THEY be interested in an American Flag? Where did they disappear to?

All questions and no answers.






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