Turkeys in the road

You always have to be ready when driving back country roads. Surprises can appear around any curve. That’s the reason I use them.
And I’m no longer rushing to be on time for a really really important corporate meeting.
With a camera most times in my truck I quickly pulled over to capture these guys. Actually, they could have captured me.
They were part of a phalanx of twenty or so buddies out looking for female companionship. How do I know? Believe me, we know.
Single-minded they blocked most of the road. They were puffing those feathers, strutting and gobble gobbling desperately looking for attention. But where were the ladies?
There, down the road seductively meandering towards the woods.
After taking their picture I continued on my way.
What happens amongst turkeys stays amongst turkeys.
Turkeys are one of my favorite “wild things”. I’ve yet to get a photo of them, but I will.
Thanks for the comment.I’ll make another brief post with turkeys.
You will find some I am sure. Dennis