Ernie: bite the hand that feeds you?

After fifteen months of living together Ernie was bound to exhibit a dark side.
This morning he snarled and took a stand that gave every indication he would bite me.
Ernie: the world’s most appreciative and happy pooch?
Since occasionally he startles and puts a rabbit to run I’ve often wondered what would happen if he actually caught one.
Now I know.
He sat down next to his lifeless prey guarding it. We were in a stalemate: he wasn’t about to leave it alone and move on, and I wasn’t about to get bitten to move him.
Conveniently there was an empty blue plastic storage box nearby. I covered the body; with that out of sight after a few seconds Ernie relented and returned to his normal self; now leashed we continued our walk. There were no recriminations from either of us.
Encountering and killing this young rabbit was instinct; although in this case I think it was the one that more than once didn’t run through the fence to safety. What’s that about survival of the fittest?
And it was an excellent reminder that yes, Ernie is a dog.