I’m on the phone, well not really. I’m having a keyboard “CHAT” with Jamie at Verizon. Doo dee doo doo who knows if she is

I’m on the phone, well not really. I’m having a keyboard “CHAT” with Jamie at Verizon. Doo dee doo doo who knows if she is AI or a breathing human being? And where exactly doe she or it reside? I guess that doesn’t make any difference anymore does it? We ended the matter of how to make a one-time overseas
Read moreIt was the beginning of June and I was starting to think I was guilty? Morning Glories hadn’t shown up in the garden cage to brighten the start of every day. Why would I think that my intervention caused the absence? Well, for the first time, last year I harvested Morning Glory seeds. It was a late season capture so
Read moreWishing all of you a memorable Memorial Day.
Read moreAn odd sort of radio commercial has recently been running on a.m. radio. It’s of the public-service variety. I’m not sure of the station since I listen a lot to country-wide iheart radio. The gist of it is that children can drive you crazy, even to wits end; have patience because that behavior is normal for offspring’s. I wonder if
Read moreWell, it’s not as dramatic as Mrs. O’Leary’s cow who reportedly kicked over a lantern and started The Great Chicago Fire. It is a good quick read, however. So how did Princess wind up on my property despite the neighbor’s being fully fenced? As the sun set – if I hadn’t by chance looked out my window – I might
Read moreThe Cow’s All-Day Breakfast Club. Start giving them treats of scrumptious cubes and they appear serendipitously for more. Horned Big Girl always initiates a scrum.
Read moreErnie sniffed him out. The snake, that is. It was a sun-rich, bye-bye to stormy weather day. Dog and I were inside my fenced, raised-bed garden cage. I was just finishing minor repairs when Ern became agitated: he wanted to be let out to follow his nose. It was pointing towards the neighbor’s fenced pasture twenty feet away. Dropping my
Read moreIt’s four a.m. and my creative spirit is at its height. I sit in my old Morris chair thinking, gently hitting the keyboard on my laptop. From the bed Ernie looks over as if to say, “Do you know what time it is?” Of course I do, and so does my brain. It has a mind of its own. What
Read moreHe is twenty-five pounds of muscle and skills that come from an unknown heritage. [Although that is about to change with a doggy DNA kit sitting just over there.] One of his favorite pastimes is sniffing out small animals. Principally, we’re talking about rabbits, the wild ones that hang out on your property and eat your garden clean. [They are
Read more[This story first appeared in 2005 in a website I had with my daughter. As we begin a new year – 2017 – looking back self-critically continues a habit of mine. With that a piece is offered which includes description of one of the most inspiring sporting events of all time: the running of The Preakness Stakes horse race in
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