A Snake Tale

Ernie sniffed him out. The snake, that is. It was a sun-rich, bye-bye to stormy weather day. Dog and I were inside my fenced, raised-bed garden cage. I was just finishing minor repairs when Ern became agitated: he wanted to be let out to follow his nose. It was pointing towards the neighbor’s fenced pasture twenty feet away. Dropping my

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A Good Morning

It’s four a.m. and my creative spirit is at its height. I sit in my old Morris chair thinking, gently hitting the keyboard on my laptop. From the bed Ernie looks over as if to say, “Do you know what time it is?” Of course I do, and so does my brain. It has a mind of its own. What

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Ernie, intrepid hunter

He is twenty-five pounds of muscle and skills that come from an unknown heritage. [Although that is about to change with a doggy DNA kit sitting just over there.] One of his favorite pastimes is sniffing out small animals. Principally, we’re talking about rabbits, the wild ones that hang out on your property and eat your garden clean. [They are

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Live and let die

Having moved from Houston I’ve been in my Texas country homestead for two and one-half years. Respecting the environment I’ve tried very hard never to intentionally kill any animal, bug or insect. Even when inside I trap navigationally-challenged flies, bees and spiders into an empty veggie can. Using a thin piece of cardboard as a cover I then give them

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Well, the laws of celestial bodies have finally kicked in and summer is a thing of the past. Although here in south central Texas you still have to look over your shoulder because you never really know when heat will return like a tenant – with good riddance – you evicted. The point was well made last night listening to

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