Ernie walks me

It is five-thirty a.m.
My four-legged alarm clock – Ernie – is bed side, parked in the darkness on the floor staring at me.
When I try to ignore him – which is most mornings – he lets out a nearly imperceptible whimper. That’s audible number one.
Trying to hide is a fool’s task but I attempt it anyway. Predictably it fails.
He ups the decibels.
“Good morning, Ern,” I force an animated reply. That gets his tail wagging and he is off towards the door like a hurdler out of the starting gate.
I put on my pants, shirt, shoes and click-on his collar. A long leash is reluctantly added only because there is no daylight. Without it he might misplace me as he follows his nose down a rabbit hole.
He always decides the initial direction of the jaunt: north or south.
Whichever it is I liken being walked by Ernie to being yanked around by a twenty-five pound heavy-duty motor that randomly changes direction at will. He is a gentleman so he does politely rest and permit me to stop and marvel at the cosmos.
This morning it’s a Venus, Jupiter and Mars lineup. Yesterday the latter two were reversed. And it wouldn’t be “….stars at night are big and bright….” unless I focused on my favorite: the three diamonds of Orion’s Belt. Imagine Columbus navigating by it.
As we thrash through the remains of hayed fields dawn sneaks up on us with a treat of a bright orange creamsicle sky. That quickly melts into a skinny layer of pink marshmallows. They get gobbled up by blue sky and puffy white clouds.
Another great Texas day says hello.
I have the same thing happen at my house….except it is Pearl, the fluff ball of a cat who has a demanding yowell (sp?)….she gets on the bed…first just politely meowing…it gets louder and the last resort is that he pulls my hair with her paw (claws). What alarm clock she is!! NS